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Page 3

  They made their way up the steps that were well worn with water stains.

  He’d already had a wonderful few hours in her company. Jacob intended to just go with the flow. Not make any moves himself, as this woman seemed to like to lead and he, as a good little boy would just follow meekly. To where—he had no earthly idea.

  Chapter Three

  They walked up long flights of stairs. Well, even if he bombed out here, he would be getting some exercise on. Jacob was always conscious of staying in shape. He had to be. To look good on the screen and for his craft, it didn’t happen by just the genes. Yes, he had been born with good looks, but the rest did not come as naturally.

  They entered one of the apartments or mini villas as they called them here. It was beautiful, though not expensive in wealth, but very Italian. He rolled his eyes, of course dumbass, this was Venice.

  She led him to the kitchen table. “Sit.”

  Jacob did as he was told. He had a feeling he would be doing so the entire time. He didn’t care. Yes, he liked to be in control, but never let it be said that he was a control freak. Not when it came to women. He liked to be what they wanted. It was second nature to him after all. Be what people wanted.

  She set her small bag down and stood staring at him.

  Okay…what is this? He wondered if he’d made a mistake. Tourists got rolled every day in Europe. Not him, but he knew it happened.

  “I have a confession to make,” she stated in that sultry voice.

  All right, here it comes. She would rob him and hit him over the head. Or she had a male accomplice somewhere here in her flat. Jacob took a more careful, detailed look around. A little late for this you dumb shit.

  Francesca laughed at his looking around the room, like an elephant would come stampeding in at any moment. “No, no. Do not be alarmed.” She strolled closer to where he sat in the kitchen chair now full of doubts. “I stopped on the walk to stare at you. Do you remember this?”

  He nodded. Yes, and women did do that often when they caught sight of him. He gave it no real thought at the time.

  “Well, you see. I wish to sketch you. It is not often I get to see…” She stepped closer. “Someone with your…” She stretched her hand out to grab his jaw as she tilted it right then left. “Such bone structure. Look at these cheekbones, this jawline.”

  Jacob kept his relieved smile from showing. OH! His bone structure. Then it popped out of his mouth, “So, you are simply interested in my bones?” He raised a brow at her.

  She stilled for a second then laughed loudly.

  Okay, that went over well.

  Her laughter slowed. “Oh, I have just the right brushes for your skin tone as well. It is magnificent skin.” She palmed his cheek.

  Okay this was going well. Then he paused. She didn’t mean a nude did she? And she had said brushes. To paint him with or put paint on him? Neither sat well with him though. He couldn’t have that out there. A portrait of him in the nude? No fucking way. If the press ever got their greedy hands on it? Holy, shit!

  She laughed. “I am not kinky,” she paused. “Well, not when it comes to art.”

  He shook his head in a slow motion. This was heading into strange territory and he didn’t know what to think.

  A noise came from the front door.

  Jacob became alert. Oh shit, here it comes. The husband, father, boyfriend who was going to mess up his famous face. He had his entire body and face insured but if they broke anything, he wouldn’t be filming in a month.

  The door swung open and in stepped another woman.

  Jacob blinked rapidly. Hot, wouldn’t cover it. But then he did a double take. Fuck!

  At his stunned expression, Francesca laughed. “Alba, come over.” She motioned to her with her hand.

  Alba strolled over to the kitchen area. Then she looked at Francesca and struck right into rapid fire Italian.

  Jacob knew enough of the language to get by, so he caught bits of it. Hot, Lucky and perfecto was the words his ears latched onto.

  Francesca turned to him. “I am sorry, she speaks very little English.”

  Well, he’d caught enough to know what she said in bits at least. Holy fuck. He was staring at a perfect set of twins. Both hot, curvy and delicious as hell. Dare he think that maybe…? He threw that out instantly. A man did not just walk into Venice and pick up not one but two luscious women. No, not even he could boast of ever doing that.

  They both stepped back and stared at him.

  Oh, shit what was this now? He kept a calm expression on his face, not allowing any panic to show from anywhere on his person.

  “Just look at you!” Francesca stated.

  He now changed gears and decided humor was the best path. “I do every day in the mirror.”

  Alba spoke in Italian.

  Francesca spoke back as she chuckled.

  Alba laughed. In fact, both women laughed.

  He relaxed a bit. It went over like he needed it to.

  “So, we gather that you are not shy.”

  Jacob chuckled. He let them see he did think this was humorous. Shy? Hell no. Thousands of people saw his face and most of his body in underwear ads. No, not shy at all. “No, I am not,” he answered firmly.

  “Good, because we wish for you to strip.”

  Alba laughed.

  Well, she knew that much English, Jacob thought as he looked back and forth between the two Italian babes. He now noted that Alba was not an exact twin, her eyes were brown. So he could tell the difference by that characteristic. But who the fuck cared? Here were two beautiful women, wanting him to strip. He still hesitated. What if they were monsters, not on the outside, no. But the kind that were into cruel jokes or hating men who picked up women in strange places. Well, an art museum wasn’t odd but he still picked her up in any case. Strange beautiful monsters? “Then if I do, will you two still be wearing clothes?” he just asked outright. No need to beat around that fucking bush anymore.

  Francesca laughed and then repeated what he said to her twin.

  Alba grinned at him. She then pulled her blouse up and off her head.

  “My sister wishes to placate your fears,” Francesca explained.

  Not that she’d needed to as Jacob sat and watched her as her skin was revealed to his eyes. Oh, wow, could this be? Like the dream most boys and men have? Two women? Two gorgeous women? He wanted to pinch himself. Then he realized he had gone hard in his jeans as Alba’s wonderful full breasts bounced right out of her unclasped bra. She then pushed her skirt down and stepped away from it.

  Damn it! Look at all that delicious looking olive skin. Smooth as satin. Tan all over and mesmerizing. Hard now, harder than ever, he adjusted his legs.

  Francesca laughed.

  His stunned and he knew… hungry gaze swung over. She stood completely nude as well. He did a dramatic double take as he looked from one lovely body over to the other. Comparing. Hell yes, he was comparing and ogling like some dumbass male watching cheerleaders at a basketball game.

  They both stood there waiting.

  Yes, waiting for him to decide. Jacob was in hell on one hand. Could this be a set up? Or could this be the pathway to a glorious climax filled heaven? Decide asshole! Decide! Was it worth the risk? The male in him was being barely restrained. While the pragmatic stick in the mud part in him, held him at bay.

  Francesca raised a dark brow at him.

  Yes, deciding, deciding. He looked around. No male intruders to see.

  Alba spoke in rapid Italian to her twin.

  Francesca spoke back but with just a few words.

  He caught his name Jacob and some other phrase.

  “We understand. You feel that maybe we are, how do you say, bad women to rob you?”

  He sat straight up in his chair. “Exactly. I don’t know…” What the fuck, you don’t know? Grab these two and fuck them till it hurts! He almost laughed. Down beast, down!

  “How about if we tied each other up?” Francesca offered.
“Or she ties me up then you tie her up?”

  He actually gulped at this suggestion. His heart pounded a million fucking miles a second. Two gloriously hot Italian twins tied up and naked? His brain was in turmoil, his body barely restrained from bolting up and out of the chair and grabbing them both up. He nodded.

  Alba turned and left the room.

  Well, shit. Maybe he blew this one. He let out a breath. Then he heard a sound. Turning in the chair and wincing at his hard on, he looked over.

  Alba and Francesca were standing in the hallway. Alba held up some silk ties.


  Jacob sat, still stunned to his core.

  Come hither they say, tie us up and have your way. Damn it, he was getting loopy at this whole scenario. Sitting in this chair and waxing poetic does not get Jacob good and fucked. He stood up. What choice did he have? He now did laugh. He showed them all of his emotion now. It had to be a fantasy, a daydream. He would wake up in his hotel room with his cum all over the hotel sheets.

  He walked forward into a pussy filled heaven. Or it could be into a beating from hell? They would find his nude body floating in the damn Grand Canal.

  They both turned and walked ahead of him.

  Jacob watched their sweet bare asses sway in front of him. Well, if his time were up, this would be the way to go. He chuckled.

  They got into the bedroom and he was surprised to see a king sized bed. Hell, they shared a bed? So, they had shared a man before.

  “Yes, we have shared,” Francesca said as she’d been staring at his face like she knew exactly what he’d been thinking. “But never one that looks as good as you do. We wonder what is under those jeans.”

  Alba giggled as she nodded.

  “In fact, we have a bet,” Francesca explained.

  His eyes rounded. “On what?” He knew what but he wanted to hear this. He knew his girth. They would be pleasantly surprised.

  “On your umm, how do Americans say it? Cock?”

  Alba next to her laughed loudly. She did know this word.

  He strolled to the bed. “Let’s find out, shall we?” He grinned.

  They both laughed.

  God damn this was fun and they hadn’t even started!

  “Ok. I will tie my sister up. Then you will tie me up. Then these are our terms.”

  He looked back and forth at them. Terms?

  “Yes, you will then do a very slow stripping. Like a bit at a time. We like the…” She seemed to flounder for a word.

  “…Anticipation?” Jacob supplied.

  Nodding, Francesca smiled. “Then it will be up to you how it goes after that. Then once you are sure, you can untie us and let us take it from there.”

  Hmmm. Quite the plan. Shit! Why are you thinking this crap over, Jacob? What the fuck is the matter with you? He nodded, remaining calm on the outside while a storm of endorphins were firing off on the inside of his brain.

  He watched as Francesca tied her sister up. It was sexy as hell. On her knees tying up her twin with her bare ass up in the air. Delicious tits swaying as she did so.

  He needed to last here, keep his dick on a leash so to speak. Take it slow and easy.

  Then when done and testing the ties, so he could see it was legit, Francesca laid down and spread her thighs, giving him a luscious peek at her clean shaven pussy.

  Oh, Fuck. He cleared his throat and stepped forward eagerly now. He grasped her wrist, then tied her up. Yes, he knew plenty about knots, tying a woman up was nothing new to him. He paused. But having two tied up…yes, that was certainly a new one. He planned to savor the shit out of this dream. After all, he would let mankind down, if he did not do this justice.

  Jacob stood up and he planned to give these two a show they wouldn’t soon forget. They didn’t know he had acting abilities and was a pure down to the bone showman. Yes, they deserved every sexy move he could pull out of that hat.

  He stepped back.

  Both women looked eager, and they both stared right at him.

  Jacob wanted this. Of course he did! He took a deep breath and stepped forward.


  Chapter Four

  Jacob still had this little nagging doubt. Damn the common sense part of his brain! Why couldn’t it just shut the hell up and let his other brain out to play?

  First, he needed to be careful and not just using protection either. He walked around the room and then knelt, peeking under the bed.

  Both sets of eyes followed him.

  He checked the bathroom. Empty. Then he walked over to the closet. Pushing back dresses, again…Empty. He turned to the women. “Please allow me a moment.” He stepped out of the room and looked back out to the living area. He went and checked the closet in the front room. Empty. He the grabbed a chair and eased it up under the doorknob of the front door. In case someone had a key and would come in while he had his flag out, so to speak, then proceeded to fist pound him into oblivion. He was a man who loved sex, but not stupid one who intended to give his life for it.

  Satisfied, he grabbed another chair and brought it with him into the room.

  Both women were of course, still lying where he’d left them.


  Jacob had decide there had been enough waiting.

  Staring at him, they both looked a bit afraid now, however.

  Did they think he was the beautiful monster now?

  He needed to assure them. Jacob gave them his most dazzling smile.

  They looked a little relieved.

  “Now, you two have earned this.” He raised his fingers to his shirt collar and slowly undid a button at a time.

  Their eyes stayed on him, not wavering a centimeter.

  He halted at the last button and checked their expressions and body language. Yes, they were breathing a lot faster now and he’d only gotten started.

  He assumed a small smirk that he already mastered in acting. It was sexy smirk.

  Both women ate this up as they smiled back.

  He slowly rolled his shirt over his arms.

  Their eyes rounded.

  Yes, sculpted. He’d worked hard at acquiring this look. It had paid off in the millions for underwear shoots. His chest and abdomen were smooth, and nearly hairless as those ads dictated. He dropped the shirt. He then sat on the chair he’d placed in the middle of the room. He took one shoe and sock off, then the other. No, not a sexy part but the chair made it more graceful at least.

  The twins watched with rapt attention as he stood. Then he slowly reached down and unbuttoned his jeans.

  Rapt attention was the only phrase he could think of for their expressions.

  Yes, ladies you will see. Jacob had been blessed, though the camera never showed this blessing on screen. He tugged his jeans down slowly and even swiveled his hips to show he knew how to use them well. Sex was second nature to him. He had enjoyed the art of it ever since he’d gotten his first taste of it.

  He tugged them down and stepped out of them.

  Now all that was left was his briefs. He strolled forward to be closer to their entranced gazes.

  He smiled and tugged the underwear down just a bit.

  Both pairs of eyes were straining to see.

  He kept the smile from his lips. “Let’s see who wins the bet.” He lowered his briefs ever so slowly.

  Their eyes were riveted.

  He tugged them to his thighs and yes, the beast as he called it, rose up straight out hard and at full length.

  Their eyes widened.

  He wanted to laugh out loud at this. It was too precious. So funny. They never thought he would be all 8 inches worth in length and thick too. He stepped out of the underwear. He wouldn’t be needing them again for hours he hoped. Then he took his cock in his hand and gave it a good slow stroke.

  The women squirmed on the bed. Francesca panted while Alba licked at her lips.

  Good, he knew which sexual preference each had. Alba sucking, Francesca with her pussy full. Good, you
needed to know a woman’s priorities. He did chuckle now and it came out low and sensual. He couldn’t help it. This was too perfect. He strode slowly to the bed. “Good enough?”

  They panted and both nodded in perfect unison.

  Yes, let us see what difference they had and what similarities. Like a game, of which twin liked what orifice filled or stroked. He fought his smile.

  Now, he did stop to just stare down at them. Jacob just had to, this would have to be printed on his brain like a sexy mental polaroid of porn, to be slide showed at times when he would not be having any sex. Like when he got back to the States. This was like a feast laid before a man who’d perhaps been a monk all his life and was blessed with one last meal before going up to heaven. A meal of pleasure, taste, and sensation.

  Sweet Italian cream and cake.

  He lowered himself to the bed and crawled up to the two women who’d been waiting.

  Well, wait no more.

  He immediately lay somewhat between them and latched onto Francesca’s nipple then sucked it in. All while his fingers delved into the very wet pussy of her sister.

  They both moaned and gasped. He kept up with synchronizing of his mouth and fingers. A man had to be skilled to please two at once and he intended to run the fucking marathon. He intended to go all out and make them climax several times. He stopped his previous movements just to take a look at their faces.

  Both wore dazed looks—hungry looks.

  He then untied both women. He would now be ravaged.

  Oh well, you have to sacrifice some control, right? Jacob grinned at this thought.

  When released, they attacked him. Kissing, exploring with their hands. He was surmounted by a female waterfall. Francesca stroked his cock while Alba explored his body with her mouth.

  Hold on, Jacob. No coming before it is time.

  They sucked, kissed, and jacked him. He did not lie submissive either, as he grabbed Francesca and hauled her up to his face and licked her pussy folds up and back, he then grabbed one of Alba’s nipples and played her with his fingers. Fuck this was hot. More than hot—it was molten fucking lava.